====== Configuration ====== This menu contains settings for backing up and restoring default and custom configurations.** **It is divided into sections, including Backup Configuration, Restore Configuration and Restore Default Configuration. **Do not** restore configuration settings made within previous FreshTomato releases, builds or hardware models. Configuration files aren't compatible across FreshTomato release, builds or hardware models. Changes in variables and other settings can cause a great number of problems. ===== Backup Configuration ===== The Backup Configuration section includes a field where you can view/name the backup file. \\ The default syntax for the backup filename is:\\ "Freshtomato_$version_m$MacRef~$HWmodel~$YYYYMMDD".\\ \\ //Where:// version = release. For example: "2021.8". MacRef = uses last 3 octets from the LAN's MAC Adddress HWmodel = the hardware device in use YYYY = Year MM = Month DD = Day OR D = Day (FreshTomato does not add a leading "0" to single-digit days). \\ For example: "FreshTomato_2021_8~m8F7E60~Asus_RT-AC66U_B1~20220220"\\ The backup file is archived in standard .gz (gzip) file format. Once extracted, the actual backup file is a raw text file. \\ **Backup:** Clicking this button opens a prompt asking you where to store the backup .gz archive. \\ {{:pasted:20230409-174427.png?533}} ===== Restore Configuration ===== The Restore Configuration section includes a button that lets you choose the configuration file from which you'd like to restore settings. \\ **Browse…** Clicking this prompts you to locate the backup configuration file to restore. \\ **Restore: **Clicking this starts the restore from settings chosen using the file chosen, as above. The default syntax for backup filenames is: "Freshtomato_$version_m$MacRef~$HWmodel~$YYYYMMDD".\\ \\ //Where:// version = release (For example: "2021.8"). MacRef = uses last 3 octets from the LAN's MAC Adddress HWmodel = the hardware device in use YYYY = Year MM = Month DD = Day OR D = Day - FreshTomato does not add a leading "0" to single-digit days. For example: FreshTomato_2021_8~m8F7E60~Asus_RT-AC66U_B1~20220220 \\ Backup files are archived in standard .gz (gzip) file format. Once extracted, the actual backup file is a raw text file. ===== Restore Default Configuration ===== This section has a dropdown menu that lets you choose options which will restore all FreshTomato's default configuration settings. \\ * Restore default router settings (normal) \\ This will restore all default router settings, but //won't// erase NVRAM contents. * Erase all data in NVRAM memory (thorough) \\ This will restore all FreshTomato default settings, and //will erase// NVRAM contents. \\ This is commonly often used before/after you've flashed new firmware, \\ to prevent possible conflicts between new settings and old ones. \\ The Total/Free NVRAM numbers display the Total NVRAM available, vs. the amount of NVRAM currently in use, \\ followed by the percentage of free NVRAM.