====== IP Traffic Monitoring ====== IP Traffic Monitoring allows you to record and graphically display bandwidth usage. IP Traffic Monitoring is similar to [[:admin-bwm|Bandwidth Monitoring]]//, //but it categorizes the data //by individual LAN IP address//. IPT uses FreshTomato's //cstats// module to function. By default, IP Traffic Monitoring is stored in: "/tmp/mnt/logs/cstats".\\ \\ {{:pasted:20220107-061254.png}} \\ \\ **Enable**: Checking this starts the IP Traffic Monitoring service. **Save History Location**: Here, you select where history data will be saved. Data stored in RAM (the default) will not survive a reboot. The options include: * RAM * (Default) * [[:admin-jffs2|JFFS2]] * [[:admin-cifs|CIFS 1]] * [[:admin-cifs|CIFS 2]] * Custom Path (External/USB storage) \\ **Save Frequency**: This setting defines how often cstats data should be committed to the save location. **Save On Shutdown**: This forces cstats to save the data file when shutting down or rebooting. **Create New File**: This option initializes/resets IP Traffic Monitoring data. **Create Backups: **If you choose a location other than RAM for **History Location** this appears. Daily Backups are made for history data. \\ \\ \\ {{:pasted:20220107-061845.png}} \\ **First Day Of The Month**: This specifies the first day of each monthly cycle. Setting this to match your ISP's billing cycle might help you track/manage bandwidth costs. **Excluded IPs**: Here, you enter any IP addresses not to be monitored by the service. The list must be comma-separated. **Included IPs**: Here, you enter the IP addresses you want monitored by the service. The list must be comma-separated. Note that you will not be able to edit in this field if the //Enable Auto-Discovery// setting is enabled. **Enable Auto-Discovery**: Checking this automatically includes new IP addresses for monitoring as soon as their traffic is detected. If checked, you will not be able to edit the //Included IPs// field. Instead, a red null character ("ΓΈ**"**) will be displayed. **Labels on graphics**: Here, you can adjust the way graphing data is displayed. * Show known hostnames and IPs - This will display both hostnames and IP addresses. * Prefer to show only hostnames otherwise show IP addresses - If hostnames aren't available, IP addresses will be displayed. * Show only IPs - This will always show only IP addresses. ===== Backup and Restore ===== \\ \\ {{:pasted:20220107-062425.png}} \\ Here, you can manually Backup and Restore cstats data to a PC or other device. You can edit the backup file name in the field under "Backup". Backup files are saved in .gzip, a compressed file format. Gzip files can be opened with archive software on most operating systems. Clicking on the //Browse... //button lets you browse your client device's storage to find an existing backup file to restore. Clicking the "Restore" button will restore that file's data to the IP Traffic Monitoring log system. \\ \\