====== Connectivity Watchdog ======
For various reasons, you might want to monitor your Internet connectivity. The simplest way to do this is to run a custom task script. The basic command structure might look something like this:
For example, in the [[:admin-sched|Scheduler]] menu, in the** **//Custom 1 field://
/bin/ping -q -c1
\\ The IP address is a google DNS server. This scheduled command would allow monitoring without requiring any further interaction with the user.
Next, in order to link an action to a success (&&) or failure (||) , we will append a command to the wanted condition.
For example: \\ \\
#if ping fails, restart the wan.
/bin/ping -q -c1 || /sbin/service wan restart
# if ping fails, reboot the device.
/bin/ping -q -c1 || /sbin/reboot
# successful pings will log "Internet Available" where ping failures will log "Internet unavailable".
/bin/ping -q -c1 && /usr/bin/logger "Internet available" || /usr/bin/logger "Internet unavailable"
===== Connectivity Watchdog Notes =====
This script is a custom one. Please note that there is also a setting in FreshTomato's [[basic-network|Network]] Web interface menu called "//Check Connections Every//". This feature performs similar functions, with some differences. It is not recommended that you use both this watchdog script and the //Check Connections Every //function at the same time. The two functions may interfere with each other, and conflicts might occur.