====== HOWTOs ====== These HOWTO guides step you through various procedures, including installing FreshTomato Firmware, configuration options, other installations and more. The guides are categorized according to which functions they serve. ===== Installing FreshTomato ===== * [[:firmware_basics_procedures|Basic concepts and procedures]] ===== Upgrading FreshTomato ===== * [[:remote_upgrade_poc|Perform Remote/Scripted Upgrade]] ===== Scheduler ===== * [[:schedule_wol|Schedule FreshTomato to "wake up" network devices]] ===== Scripting ===== * [[:access_restrictions|Script Access Restrictions]] * [[:device_filtering|Script Device Filtering]] * [[:connectivity_watchdog|Enable Connectivity watchdog]] * [[:limit_number_of_sessions_per_device_subnet|Limit number of sessions per device/subnet]] * [[:retain_dhcp_lease_info_after_a_reboot|Retain DHCP lease info after a reboot]] * [[:backup_script|Backup script]] * [[:clearing_iptables|Clear user iptables before applying new one (firewall/WAN up/etc)]] * [[:ip_script|Determine external IP for all MultiWAN interfaces and log to file]] * [[:disable_access_to_admin_access_ssh:gui_for_guest_v:wlan|Disable admin access (SSH/GUI) from guest VLAN / WLAN]] * [[:one_off_reboot|Schedule a one-off reboot]] * [[:monitor_connections|Actively monitor connections]] * [[:enable_disable_ethernet_port|Enable/disable Ethernet port(s)]] * [[:aria|Install Aria and Web Frontend]] * [[:ash_history|Make command line history persistent]] ===== Security ===== * [[:2fa|Set up 2FA for SSH using Google Authenticator]] ===== Secure DNS ===== * [[:opendns_on_tomato|OpenDNS on Tomato]] * [[:stubby|Stubby]] * [[:dns_flag_day_2020|DNS Flag Day 2020]] ===== Adblock and DNS filtering ===== * [[:adblock_dns_filtering|Adblock/DNS filtering updated blacklists]] ===== SSH ===== * [[:enable_ssh|Enable SSH Server]] * [[:generate_ssh_keys|Generate Key Pair for SSH using PuTTY]] * [[:putty_automation|Automate a command via PuTTY]] * [[:router_to_router_ssh|Enable Password-less Router to Router SSH]] ===== USB ===== * [[:usb_formatting_with_swap_partition|Format USB storage with swap partition]] * [[:entware_installation_usage|Install/Use Entware]] * [[:usb_filesystem_check_repair|Check/repair USB Filesystem]] ===== VPN ===== * [[:openvpn_extra_connection|Add additional OpenVPN Server/Client connections]] * [[:setting_up_a_tinc_full_mash_network|Set up a tinc full mesh network]] * [[:wireguard_on_freshtomato|Set up Wireguard]] * [[:wireguard_on_freshtomato_with bird|Set up Wireguard with dynamic routing]] * [[:IPSec_on_freshtomato|Set up IPSec]] * [[:freshtomato_zerotier|Connect Freshtomato to Zerotier]] ===== Advanced Wireless concepts ===== * [[:wireless_ethernet_bridge|Wireless Ethernet Bridge mode]] * [[:media_bridge| Media Bridge mode]] * [[:advanced_scenarios|Advanced Scenarios]] * [[Toggle radio|Toggle wireless/radio/SSID]] * [[wireless_filtering|Script Wireless MAC filtering]] ===== Debugging & Troubleshooting ===== * [[onlinetests|Online Tests (DNS, Privacy, etc)]] * [[:crash_log|Log a Crash]] * [[speedtest|Speedtest from cli]] ===== Home Automation ===== * Home Assistant - Integration with FreshTomato