====== IP Traffic - Transfer Rates ====== This menu displays detailed IP Transfer Rate data for each client IP address. The Transfer Rates section displays a table of detailed client transfer rate data, categorized in various ways. The Options section contains the configuration settings for the IP Traffic - Transfer Rates table. ===== IP Traffic - Transfer Rates ===== The IP Traffic - Transfer Rates section displays a table with detailed transfer rate data. On each row is a client IP address. For each client IP address, the columns display: \\ * Download Transfer Rate * Upload Transfer Rate * TCP IN/OUT (packets per second) * UDP IN/OUT (packets per second) * ICMP IN/OUT (packets per second) * TCP connections (number of) * UDP connections (number of) \\ \\ {{::ip_traffic-transfer_rates-2024.1.png?799}} ===== Options ===== This section has settings for the table. These control which client addresses are monitored, and how the table displays traffic. \\ **(Click Here to Show): **clicking this reveals settings options for the Transfer Rates table. \\ **Only these IPs: **enter addresses of hosts whose IP Traffic you want displayed (comma-separated). \\ **Exclude these IPs:** enter addresses of hosts whose IP Traffic //not// to display (comma-separated). \\ {{::ip_traffic-transfer_rates-options-2024.3.png?834}} \\ \\ \\ **Scale:** here, you can select the measurement units used to display traffic. Choices include: \\ * KB * MB * GB \\ **Ignore inactive hosts: **enabling this removes inactive IP client hosts from the table. \\ **Show hostnames: **makes FreshTomato show hostnames in IP Traffic displays for all IP clients. \\ **Show shortcuts:** shows shortcuts to settings under the Host/IP addresses shown in the Host column. \\ * [qosdetails] - enabling this lets you view QoS Details. * [qosrates] - enabling this lets you view transfer rates per connection. * [iptraf] - enabling this lets you view real-time IP Traffic for this address. * [hide] - enabling this lets you hide this IP address on the display. \\ \\ **Configure:** takes you to [[admin-iptraffic|IP Traffic Monitoring]], where you can configure general IP Traffic Monitoring settings. \\ **Refresh Every:** lets you choose the automatic refresh interval (how often Transfer Rates table updates). \\ **Refresh:** immediately refreshes the Transfer Rates table. ===== IP Traffic - Transfer Rates Notes and Troubleshooting ===== Both this menu and the IP Traffic Monitoring menu contain //Include// and //Exclude// fields. They are not the same thing. The difference is that the Include and Exclude fields in this menu set which IP addresses you want **displayed** or not displayed on this menu. By contrast, in the IP Traffic Monitoring menu, the Include and Exclude fields set which addresses you want **monitored** or not monitored. Addresses which are not displayed, but included in the Include field in IP Traffic Monitoring, will still be tracked/logged by the IP Traffic Monitoring function. \\ \\ \\ \\