Please choose your words carefully. Some wiki readers aren't fluent in English.
Unless explaining complex concepts, please keep things brief and concise.
We aim to make the documentation simple and easy to read, even for beginners.
Most content is not meant to read like a reference manual. Extra “precision”
can overwhelm readers.
Add a meaningful title to every wiki page. Format it with the Heading1 format.
Avoid abbreviations not standard across the industry or in common English.
For example, anyone unfamiliar with Linux/Unix may not know that “wl” indicates
a Broadcom wireless interface. If it's not industry standard terminology, explain it.
However, using “
LAN”, is fine. It's common industry terminology.
Avoid using the word: “Note”. It's overused, and doesn't add meaning.
If the content isn't a critical warning, consider putting it in the
“Notes and Troubleshooting” section at the bottom of the page.
Otherwise, try bolding just a few of the most important words.
Avoid underlining. It's obsolete and makes things hard to read.
Check other pages to see which kinds of text content are capitalized
and which are written in lower case.
Check spelling with your browser's spell checker.
When referring to FreshTomato web interface menus:
If there's only one menu with that name, indicate menu paths using just
the name of the menu. For example, refer to the “Admin Access” menu.
If there's more than one menu with a similar name, write it as:
For example: “/Bandwidth Monitoring/Real-Time”.
This differentiates it from the “/IP Traffic Monitoring/Real-Time” menu.
Avoid quotation marks, except around filenames or numeric variables.
They're almost never appropriate.
Use double quotation marks around filenames. For example, “wg0.conf”.
Use rounded brackets “()” . Square brackets generally aren't appropriate and could
be confused with code snippets or markdown language.