====== Traceroute ====== This menu provides a traceroute function from in the web interface. Traceroute let you trace the route between the FreshTomato device and another device on the LAN or the Internet. This helps verify optimal paths and locate potential traffic bottlenecks/blockages. \\ \\ \\ {{:pasted:20200520-164103.png?773}} \\ \\ \\ **Address:** here, specify the domain name or IP address you wish to trace. \\ \\ **Maximum Hops:** here, enter the maximum hops (TTL, or Time to Live value) the trace can run before it expires. \\ \\ **Maximum Wait Time: ** here, set the maximum time (in milliseconds) the router should wait for replies. Shorter values can result in lost packets. Longer values can make the traceroute take longer to complete. \\ \\ \\