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admin-debug [2023/08/14 18:18] hogwildadmin-debug [2024/10/21 02:24] (current) hogwild
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 ===== Debugging ===== ===== Debugging =====
-The Debugging page helps you tweak some parameters to allow better troubleshooting of any issues with your router.+The Debugging page lets you tweak some parameters to allow better troubleshooting of any issues with your router.
-\\ {{:pasted:20220107-075831.png}}\\  \\+ \\ \\ {{:pasted:20220107-075831.png}}\\  \\
-**Avoid performing an NVRAM commit** - Checking this stops nvram (configuration) variables from being permanently saved. This makes it possible to safely experiment with settings, since changes reset at reboot.+ \\
-**Enable cprintf output to console** - FIXME+**Avoid performing an NVRAM commit** - stops configuration settings from permanently saving to NVRAM until this is disabled again.
-**Enable cprintf output to /tmp/cprintf - **FIXME+This makes it easy/safe to experiment with settings, since changes reset on reboot.
-**Enable DDNS output to /tmp/mdu - **This option allows the DDNS diagnostics to be fully logged in the "/tmp/" directory.+ \\
-**Enable segfault logging - **By default, segfault errors are not logged via the syslog functiony. Enabling this option causes them to be logged. Segfaults are Linux errors caused by a program trying to read from or write to an illegal memory location.+**Enable cprintf output to console** - sets cprintf to output to the console so it will be visible in your web browser.
-**Count cache memory and buffers as free memory** - This affects how Linux handles RAM allocation, which is split into Used + cache + buffer. If enabled, this causes cache memory and buffer to be counted as free. (Default: enabled).+ \\
-**Avoid displaying LAN to router connections -** Enabling this prevents LAN connections from being displayed in menus that show //conntrack//-related data, such as the //QoS///[[qos-detailed|View Details]] menu.\\   \\   \\  {{:pasted:20220107-082615.png}} \\+**Enable cprintf output to /tmp/cprintf **- redirects cprintf output to a file in the /tmp/cprintf directory.
-\\ **Kernel printk log level**:FIXME+ \\
-**Do not restart the following process if they die **-  Usually FreshTomato restarts dying processes. However, in some cases, you may want to prevent this from happening.+**Enable DDNS output to /tmp/mdu - **allows the DDNS diagnostics to be fully logged in the "/tmp/" directory.
-  * crond - This option prevents FreshTomato from restarting the cron daemon, if it dies. + \\
-  * dnsmasq - This option prevents FreshTomato from restarting dnsmasq, if it dies. \\ **This option is currently non-functional**. +
-  * hotplug2 - This option prevents FreshTomato from restarting the hotplug2 daemon, if it dies. +
-  * igmprt - This options prevents FreshTomato from restarting the IGMP routing daemon, if it dies. \\ Igmprt is a simple dynamic Multicast Routing Daemon that uses only IGMP protocol for signalling. \\ It's used for simple forwarding of Multicast traffic between networks.+
-**Set "no-cache" in httpd header - **A very common issue is that is cached browser content can create errors/display issues in the web interface. Usually, refreshing the page, via CTRL+F5, fixes this problem by forcing a cache flush. However, setting this parameter is an alternative solution. This instructs the browser not to perform any caching while on FreshTomato web interface pages. Both methods are particularly useful after firmware upgrades.+**Enable segfault logging - **causes segfault errors to be logged.
- \\+By default, syslog doesn't log segfault errors. Segfaults are Linux errors caused by a program trying to read from/write to an illegal memory location.
  \\  \\
-» Clear browser cookies Clicking on this clears the cookies in your web browser.+**Count cache memory and buffers as free memory** affects how Linux handles RAM allocation, (split into Used + cache + buffer). 
 +If enabled, this causes cache memory and buffer to be counted as free. (Default: enabled).
  \\  \\
-» Clear browser cache Clicking this clears your web browser's cache of static content. This includes content like static graphics, CSS, HTML and Javascript. This is helpful when incorrect or garbled content is being displayed in your browser because the browser is displaying stale, cached content instead of the most current content.+**Avoid displaying LAN to router connections -** prevents LAN connections from displaying in menus with //conntrack//-related data. 
 +This includes the ///QoS///[[qos-detailed|View Details]] menu.\\   \\   \\ {{:pasted:20220107-082615.png}} \\ 
 +\\  \\ 
 +**Kernel printk log level**:FIXME
  \\  \\
-» Flush DNS (dnsmasq) cache Clicking this flushes the router's DNS cacheThis purges DNS to IP mappings/lookupsso that fresh ones can be used instead. This is usefulfor example, when changing DNS server settings, so changes take effect sooner, as the system doesn't use stale DNS mappings.+**Do not restart the following process if they die ** Usually FreshTomato restarts dying processesHoweverin some casesyou may want to prevent this from happening.
  \\  \\
-» Commit NVRAM now Clicking this saves current settings to NVRAM immediately.+  * crond prevents FreshTomato from restarting the cron daemon, if it dies. 
 +  * dnsmasq - prevents FreshTomato from restarting dnsmasq, if it dies. \\ **This option is currently non-functional**. 
 +  * hotplug2 - prevents FreshTomato from restarting the hotplug2 daemon, if it dies. 
 +  * igmprt - prevents FreshTomato from restarting the IGMP routing daemon, if it dies. \\ Igmprt is a simple dynamic Multicast Routing Daemon using only IGMP \\ for signalling. It performs simple Multicast traffic forwarding between networks.
  \\  \\
-» Reboot Clicking this reboots the system immediately(similar to the "Reboot..." menu option).+**Set "no-cache" in httpd header - **cached browser content can often create errors/issues in the web interface. Usuallyrefreshing the webpage fixes the problem by flushing the cacheHowever, setting this parameter is an alternative solutionIt tells the browser not to perform any caching while on FreshTomato web interface pagesBoth methods are useful after firmware upgrades.
  \\  \\
-» Halt Clicking this halts the system immediately, (similar to the "Halt..." menu option).+ \\ 
 +»  Clear browser cookies clears the cookies in your web browser. 
 + \\ »  Clear browser cache - clears the browser cache of static contentThis includes static graphics, CSS, HTML and Javascript\\ This helps prevent incorrect/garbled content from displaying in the web interface when the browser displays stale, cached, outdated content. 
 + \\ »  Flush DNS (dnsmasqcache - Clicking this flushes the router's DNS cache. This purges DNS to IP mappings, so only fresh ones are used. This is useful when changing DNS server or other settings affecting DNS mappings, so the system uses only current DNS mappings.
  \\  \\
-» Download CFE Clicking this lets you download the Common Firmware Environment file from your router [[|Common Firmware Environment]]\\  \\+»  Commit NVRAM now saves current settings to NVRAM immediately.
-» Download Iptables Dump Clicking this downloads a copy of the IPv4 iptables firewall rule file.+ \\ 
 +»  Reboot reboots the system immediately (similar to the "Reboot..." menu).
  \\  \\
-» Download Ip6tables Dump Clicking this downloads of the IPv6 iptables firewall rule file.+»  Halt halts the system immediately, (similar to the "Halt..." menu option).
  \\  \\
-» Download Logs Clicking this downloads a copy of the syslog file.+»  Download CFE - downloads the Common Firmware Environment file from your router. 
 +[[|Common Firmware Environment]] 
 + \\ \\ »  Download Iptables Dump - downloads a copy of the IPv4 iptables firewall rule file.
  \\  \\
-» Download NVRAM Dump - Clicking this downloads a copy of the contents of NVRAM memory+»  Download Ip6tables Dump - downloads of the IPv6 iptables firewall rule file.
 \\ \\
 +»  Download Logs - downloads a copy of the syslog file.
 + \\
 +» Download NVRAM Dump - downloads a copy of NVRAM memory contents.
 + \\
 +**Warning**: This file may contain private information like WiFi encryption keys, usernames/passwords for FreshTomato, your ISP and DDNS. Please review and edit/redact it accordingly before sharing it with anyone.
 + \\
 + \\ \\
admin-debug.1692033511.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/14 18:18 by hogwild