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Welcome to FreshTomato

What's FreshTomato?

FreshTomato is a firmware project based on Linux, for home and SOHO routers. FreshTomato is distributed with the GPL license.

Chipset Support

FreshTomato supports systems based on Broadcom chipsets, including ARM- and MIPS-based models. Recently, an X64 variant went into development, and is running. However, not all functions may be as polished/functional as their ARM or MIPS equivalents. On the other hand, the X64 variant includes some features not in the ARM and MIPS versions, such as Deep Packet Inspection.

To see if FreshTomato runs on your hardware, please refer to the wiki's Hardware compatibility page.

FreshTomato features

FreshTomato includes a friendly interface, which is considered easy to use even by inexperienced users. It also offers many features, and security and bug fixes that are not available on stock vendor firmware.


Tomato was originally written by Jonathan Zarate, and has been developed over time by the open source community. FreshTomato is currently the most up-to-date fork of Tomato and has about 4 to 5 releases a year.


Release names are based on the year of the release, then the number of the release (NOT the month or date). For example, release 2023.2 is the second release of firmware in the year 2023.

Tomato on x86_64

Tomato can also run on standard x86_64 PC hardware in bare-metal (e.g. n100/n305 based mini PC) as well as on a number of virtualization technologies (Proxmox, KVM, VirtualBox, VMWare, etc). For more information, please visit the brother project Tomato64.

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start.1714821291.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/04 12:14 by rs232