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The Logging Page contains two sections. The Syslog section has settings to enable and configure settings for Syslog, the main function that logs system events. Web Monitoring contains settings to enable/configure the function to let you monitor log/monitor web searches and which domains have been visited.


Log Internally: This enables FreshTomato's logging. By default, FreshTomato saves logs to the router's internal memory, where they may be extracted or viewed directly on the Logs page. These logs will consume router memory, but may be viewed directly on the router itself. (Default: Enabled).

Max size before rotate: Log rotation is a process that creates new log files and archives & removes old ones to save drive space. The number entered here specifies the maximum storage space log files can occupy before they are rotated, (in Kb).

Number of rotated logs to keep: Specifies how many rotated log files will be maintained in the archive of rotated logs.

Custom Log File Path: Checking this lets you specify a custom path for the log file. A displayed tip reminds you to check the path exists and is writable. (Deafult path: /var/log/messages).

Log To Remote System: Enabling this provides network support to the syslogd facility. Network support means that messages can be forwarded from one node running syslogd to another node running syslogd where they will be actually logged to a disk file. 1)

IP Address / Port: Here, enter the IP address of the host to receive syslog data, and the port over which data will be sent.

Generate Marker: Makes log files easier to read. Checking this causes the word “——MARK—–” to be inserted into the log
at the specified interval.

  • Disabled
  • Every 30 Minutes
  • Every 1 hour
  • Every 2 hours

Events Logged:

  • Access Restriction - Checking this causes logging of Access Restriction events.
  • Cron - Causes Cron events to be logged.
  • DHCP Client - Causes logging of DHCP IP addressing events.
  • NTP - Causes logging of Network Time Protocol events.
  • Scheduler - Causes logging of events configured in the Scheduler menu.

Minimum Log Level: In this menu, you select the minimum level of messages to be logged.

Here, “minimum” means that whichever option you select from the list, that level's messages and all those
higher in the list will be logged.

  • Emergency - Only Emergency-level messages will be logged.
  • Alert - Messages categorized as Alert and higher will be logged.
  • Critical - Messages categorized as Critical and higher will be logged.
  • Error - Messages of Error level or higher will be logged.
  • Warning - Messages of Warning level or higher will be logged.
  • Notice - Messages of Notice level or higher will be logged.
  • Info - Messages of Information level or higher will be logged.
  • Debug - Debug-level information and all other levels will be logged.

Connection Logging:

  • Inbound
    • Disabled - Disables logging of incoming connections.
    • If Blocked by Firewall - Logs incoming connection attempts blocked by the firewall.
    • If Allowed by Firewall - Logs incoming connection attempts allowed by the firewall.
    • Both - Logs all incoming connection attempts.
  • Outbound
    • Disabled - Disables logging of outgoing connections.
    • If Blocked by Firewall - Logs outgoing connection attempts blocked by the firewall.
    • If Allowed by Firewall - Logs outgoing connection attempts allowed by the firewall.
    • Both - Logs all outgoing connection attempts.
  • Limit - Here, enter the maximum messages per minute to be logged in the system log.
    Enter '0' for unlimited. (Default: 60).

Web Monitor

Enable » Takes you to the Administration/Logging page (including Syslog settings)

Monitor Web Usage: Checking or unchecking this enables or disables Web Monitoring. (Default: Disabled)

Monitor: Select the Device/s to monitor (All Computers / The following / All except). (Default: All Computers).

Number of Entries to remember: The number of Domains visited and the number of Searches FreshTomato will record in the log file.

Entering “0” makes the number unlimited (and therefore) allows an unlimited log size. Make certain you the have storage space.

Daily Backup: If checked, enables backup of Web Monitor logs to the default backup directory. (Default: Disabled).

Clear Data After Backup: If enabled, this will empty the log file after the backup is performed. (Default: Disabled)

Backup Directory: Specifies where backup files will be stored. (Default: /tmp).

NOTE: Contents in the default (\tmp) folder are emptied after reboot. Consider using USB/CIFS/JFFS storage for more permanent storage.

Web Usage/Web Monitor Notes

Web usage will not work properly if the FreshTomato client you wish to monitor is running a direct TOR or VPN connection to the Internet. FreshTomato cannot monitor direct TOR or VPN connections because they are already encrypted. This can also include some IPv6 tunneling protocols, such as 6in4. tunnel.

admin-log.1727286635.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/25 18:50 by hogwild