Table of Contents


This page includes most basic settings needed to configure the network. It's divided into sections including MultiWAN, WAN Settings, Ethernet Ports Configuration, LAN and Wireless settings.


Number of WAN ports: lets you select the number of WAN ports to be used on the device.

On models with 1 physical WAN interface, only “1 WAN” can be selected. Other options are greyed out.

Tune route cache: is used for MultiWAN configurations with load balancing.

Recommended when 2 or more WANs have weight larger than “0”. It uses kernel tweaks to improve workload sharing.

For details, see the Notes section below.

Check Connections Every: makes FreshTomato automatically test WAN link reliability.

It sets how often the router tests its Internet connection. Any option but Disabled runs the Watchdog script.

Watchdog uses ping/traceroute to test WAN connection status. (Default: Disabled).

Any option but Disabled makes “Target 1” and “Target 2” fields appear.

WAN(x) Settings

Settings here are used to configure the WAN interface. These settings depend on your ISP.

Depending on the selected type, specific connection settings will be shown or hidden.

Type: sets the connection mode the WAN interface uses to connect to your ISP. (Default: DHCP).

Wireless Client Mode: enables FreshTomato's Wireless Client mode.

This lets the router act as a client (WiFi adapter) to connect to another router/AP.
(For details, see Wireless Mode tables below).

Load Balance Weight: appears only when number of WANs > 1. Valid settings are (0 - 256).

In a MultiWAN configuration, FreshTomato performs load sharing on the link traffic. Giving each interface a Load Balance Weight adjusts how it participates in MultiWAN activities. Load sharing is done on a per-session basis to avoid issues with interactive traffic like:

  1. Real-time voice
  2. Video
  3. RDP.

Per-packet loadsharing isn't recommended in cases where link speeds vary. It would generate out-of-order packets, and in doing so, could make interactive traffic unusable.

Example: Load Balance Weight: 0 (Failover)

If “0” is used, FreshTomato won't route traffic when other WAN interfaces are functioning. However, if all other WAN interfaces with weight “1” or higher fail, a WAN connection with weight “0” will automatically enable. Then, when the interface with weight “0” is automatically enabled, it is assigned a weight of “1”. Such functionality is commonly used as a failover configuration.

For example, let's say:

In this example, routing would proceed as follows:

  1. When the failure of WAN1 is detected, WAN0 will activate
    (assigned with weight: “1”) and begin routing packets.
  2. Later, WAN1 recovers its connectivity. As soon as FreshTomato
    notices, (seconds/minutes), WAN0 will be reset to idle status
    while traffic is rerouted through the revived WAN1.

Recovery back to the originally-active interface is called preempting. It's the default (fixed) behavior.

Example: Load Balance Weight: 1

Any value > “0” makes an interface actively route packets.

A weight of “1” isn't very meaningful, since weights are relative. Each weight is compared to others to direct functionality.

A good way to understand this is:

Example: Load Balance Weight: 5

Basically, an interface set to weight: “5” would handle 5 new sessions before any other interface was used.

For example, say we have 3 WANs, as follows:

In this example, routing would proceed as follows:

  1. WAN0 would be used only if WAN1 and WAN2 are failing/unable to route.
  2. WAN1 would handle the first new LAN client session through the router.
  3. WAN2 is set to handle the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth sessions.
  4. The seventh new session would be treated as another, first new LAN client,
    so would start again from WAN1.
  5. WAN2 would then handle the next five new sessions, (eighth through twelfth).

These settings affect only outbound traffic. Return traffic tries to return via the WAN interface it came from.

Allocation of a new session to a WAN is dynamic. You can set which traffic gets allocated to which Interface (“sticky connection”) in MultiWAN routing.

Modem device: here, specify the 3G/4G/5G modem's Linux device path/filename.

To get modem details, log on to FreshTomato via Telnet/SSH and use the “lsusb” or “dmesg” commands .

PIN Code: the 3-digit PIN code for the SIM card associated with your cell account.

Modem init string: enter the modem's default initialization string.

APN: the access point name (provided by your cell carrier).

Username: the (carrier-provided) username to access your cell carrier's APN gateway.

Password: the (carrier-provided) password to authenticate to your cell carrier's APN gateway.

Network Type: appears when WAN type is set to 4G/LTE. (Default: 4G/3G/2G).

DNS Server:

Manually-set DNS servers can be helpful if your ISP's DNS servers are slow/unreliable.

MTU: sets the Maximum Transmission Unit, (Ethernet frame size) for WAN←→LAN traffic.

This is for the WAN interface only and won't affect LAN traffic.

Different MTU sizes across devices may cause issues.

Use DHCP: is rarely used. Usually, you should leave it disabled.

Single Line MLPPP: is outdated, and rarely used now.

This Multilink PPP version lets a modem bond the bandwidth of multiple PPPoE sessions.

A side effect of it was that it bypassed some ISPs' bandwidth throttling.

Route Modem IP: lets you access a modem “behind a router” with a quick setting change.


(Default: Off)

Query Hilink Modem IP: is for Huawei USB modems with Hilink mode.

It lets you communicate with a modem in Hilink mode connected to a LAN device other than the router.

It can be used to monitor modem statistics/signal strength. (Default: Disabled).

Call Custom Status Script: TBD.

Connect Mode: chooses the method to keep the router connected to the Internet provider.

(Default: Keepalive).

Redial Interval: if PPPoE dialing fails, this delays attempts for a defined number of seconds.

This allows more time for the PPPoE server/network equipment to restart properly before re-establishing a PPPoE link.
(Default: 10 seconds).

LCP Echo Interval: Link Control Protocol exchanges frames between 2 peers to check they're connected.

LCP Echo Link fail limit: how many failed LCP echo requests between peers before link is deemed down.

Disable Watchdog: disables the Watchdog function, for only the WAN connection in the menu.
(Default: Enabled/Tracert).

Watchdog Mode: regularly checks a given WAN connection is up.

This chooses the method used to test the connection.

The Watchdog function supports connection types:

  1. DHCP
  2. PPPoE
  3. PPTP
  4. L2TP
  5. 3G/4G/5G LTE


The LAN section includes information and settings to configure FreshTomato's LAN interface functions.

This includes:

  1. LAN IP address and subnet mask
  2. Spanning Tree Protocol function
  3. DHCP server status/settings (via dnsmasq), such as scope and lease time
  4. Stubby (DNS-over-TLS) setting and WINS settings

Bridge: lets you selects the bridge whose LAN settings will be modified

STP: enables Spanning Tree Protocol to prevent forwarding loops in switches.

The default (off) is recommended, unless you are highly experienced.

IP Address: the IP Address to assign to the specified LAN interface.

FreshTomato supports Class A/B/C networks. (Default:

Netmask: the subnet mask associated with FreshTomato's LAN IP address.

(Default: - class “C” netmask).

DHCP: enables DHCP server functions in dnsmasq. (Default: Off)

IP Range (first/last): the range of IP addresses the DHCP server will assign to LAN clients.

In the top field, enter the first valid address in the subnet. Enter the the last address in the bottom field.

Lease Time (mins.): the DHCP lease time, in minutes. (Default: 1440).

Automatic IP: lets FreshTomato obtain a LAN IP via DHCP.

Since release 2022.6, this option is supported in:

  1. AP Mode
  2. Wireless Ethernet Bridge (WEB) Mode
  3. Media Bridge Mode.

After saving settings, the router's new default address is until it obtains DHCP data.

Ethernet Ports State - Configuration

Settings here are for the Ethernet Ports State graphic in the Overview menu. Link status, Link speed and Diagnostic information are shown for each port, .

Enable Ports State: enables the Ethernet Ports State graphic. (Default: On).

Show Speed Info: checking this displays the link speed of each port, (1GB/100MB/10MB).

(Default: On).

Invert ports order: displays port icons in the opposite order from where they are on the hardware.

This is useful when the order of display icons doesn't match the physical locations on the router. (Default: Off).

Wireless Band Steering

This feature makes FreshTomato assess on which band a client device should connect, and then “nudges” it towards that band.

When enabled, these settings are saved to NVRAM, then replicated from the first WiFi radio to all other radios:

  1. SSID
  2. Broadcast
  3. KEY1-4
  4. Shared Key
  5. Encryption
  6. Radius Key
  7. Radius Port
  8. Radius IP

(Visibility depends on the wireless security selected)

Among the wireless settings that will NOT be replicated are:

Client devices also may try to switch bands on their own, without the influence of Wireless Band Steering.

This feature is available since release 2020.8 (for ARM hardware only). See the Notes section for more details.

Wireless (2.4 GHz / interface eth1)

The Wireless (2.4 GHz) section displays information and settings for the 2.4 GHz wireless interface.

Your device may show a different device name than eth1. Hardware device numbers begin at “0”.

The first Ethernet device might be called “eth0”. The second might be called “wl1”.

Enable Wireless: enables the 2.4 GHz WiFi interface. When unchecked disables that interface.

MAC Address: displays the MAC address of the 2.4 GHz WiFi interface.

Clicking this takes you to the MAC Address page, to specify a custom address for this interface.

Wireless Mode: here, choose the wireless mode (function) of the 2.4 GHz WiFi interface.

Table: 2.4 GHZ Interface Wireless Modes
Wireless Mode Description

Access Point

The (default) setting, that allows clients to connect to FreshTomato's WiFi networks.

- IPv4 & IPv6 communication work for both MIPS and ARM.

Access Point WDS

Sets the router in “repeater mode”. Clients can connect via WiFi while simultaneously acting as a
WDS Wireless Distribution System base station.

Wireless Client

The router connects to another router/access point as any other WiFi client device would.

- Wireless Client mode works for:
MIPS devices (SDK5: RT and RT-N images)
ARM devices (SDK6 & SDK7 & SDK714) starting with release 2021.5
- This mode does not work yet on SDK6 MIPS RT-AC builds.
(The option will be removed from the GUI starting with Release 2024.3)
- Only one wireless radio can be used in this mode. Other radio modules, (if present), can be used in Access Point mode.
- Disable band steering if using this mode (at least for the initial setup. Advanced users may adjust NVRAM values for band steering).
- The recommended security setup for WiFi connections is WPA2 Personal with AES.
- If no connection is possible using the above, try WPA / WPA2 Personal + AES.
- This is the recommended security setup for MIPS SDK5 (RT and RT-N) wireless client mode).

Wireless Ethernet Bridge

Configures FreshTomato to connect to another router.
All clients connected to both routers remain in the same subnet.

- Since Wireless Ethernet Bridge 1.19, this mode must have security set to WPA2 to work properly.
- IPv4 communication works for MIPS and ARM builds.
- IPv6 communication will be blocked (Bug within wl driver =⇒ router may crash; Use Media Bridge Mode for IPv6 support)
- ARM SDK7 not working/possible (Option will be removed from the GUI starting with Release 2024.3)
- ARM SDK6 & SDK714 working correctly
- MIPS SDK5: RT and RT-N working correctly
- MIPS SDK6 RT-AC not working/possible (Option will be removed from the GUI starting with Release 2024.3)
- Do not enable wireless band steering (BSD) while this mode is enabled.

Recommendation: Use this interface only to connect to your main AP (no virtual interfaces). Other radio modules present can be used, for example, in A/P mode.

Media Bridge Mode

Configures FreshTomato to connect to another router/access point. \\
All clients connected to both routers remain in the same subnet.

- Support for this mode is available starting with release 2021.6 .
- This mode is similar to Wireless Ethernet Bridge mode for SDK6 and up (only for MIPS RT-AC images and all ARM images).
- Recommendations: Use Wireless Ethernet Bridge mode for MIPS RT and RT-N builds (like the RT-N16, E4200v1).
- This Mode is not supported in SDK5 (RT / RT-N) builds.
- ARM SDK6 & SDK7 & SDK714 working correctly
- MIPS SDK6 RT-AC working correctly
- Both IPv4 and IPv6 communication function well. You don't need to enable IPv6 via the web interface. IPv6 traffic will work.
- Do not enable wireless band steering (BSD) if this mode is enabled.

Recommendation: use this interface only to connect to your main A/P (not to virtual interfaces). Other present radio modules can be used, for example, in A/P mode.


Serve as a Wireless Distribution System (WDS) base station only.

Table derived from (Creative Commons) Wikibooks - “Tomato Firmware/Menu Reference” Wireless Mode Selections

Wireless Network Mode: selects which 802.11 WiFi protocols to make available to clients.

The network modes available here will depend on your hardware.

These apply only to the 2.4 GHz interface. Any 5 GHz interface will have separate Mode settings.

SSID: the network name (Service Set IDentifier) for the 2.4 GHz WiFi interface.

For security, don't include personal identity/address/location/equipment type. Single dictionary words are also poor for security.

(Default: FreshTomatoXX, where “XX” is the two band numbers.) On a 2.4 GHz network, the default SSID is: “FreshTomato24”.

Broadcast: enables SSID broadcasting.

This “announces” the SSID, so it's easy to find and connect to.

Common software can easily sniff SSIDs. Contrary to claims, disabling Broadcast provides little security increase.

Channel: the channel on which the 2.4 GHz interface operates.

Generally, choose a different channel than your neighbours'. (Default: Auto).

Channel Width: lets you choose the (frequency) width of the channel.

802.11n can use 40 MHz channel width, but to maintain legacy compatibility, it uses one main 20 MHz channel plus a free adjacent channel 20 MHz above or below the main channel.

Control Sideband: lets you choose whether the sideband channel used is above (Upper) or below (Lower) the main channel.

(Default: Upper). This is only available If 20 or 40 Channel Width is selected.

Security: here, choose the security protocol used on the 2.4 GHz WiFi interface.

Shared Key: the authentication key for WiFi LAN clients. Asterisks display before inserting the cursor.

Group Key Renewal: sets how often encryption keys used between clients and router are rotated.
This is a part of the WPA protocol. (Default: 3600 seconds/1 hour).

The following limits apply to adjusting key rotation interval:

Wireless (5 GHz / interface eth2)

The Wireless (5 GHz) section displays settings and information for the 5 GHz WiFi network interface.

Your device may show a different device name than eth1. FreshTomato hardware device numbers begin at 0.

For example,

Typically, the 5 GHz WiFi band has higher bandwidth, but shorter range than the 2.4 GHz band.

Enable Wireless: checking this enables the 5 GHz WiFi interface.

MAC Address: displays the MAC (hardware) address of the 5 GHz WiFi interface.
Clicking on this takes you to the MAC Address page to choose your own address for the interface.

Wireless Mode: lets you select the wireless mode (function) of the 5 GHz interface.

Table: 5 GHz interface Wireless Mode
Wireless Mode Description

Access Point

The (default) setting, which allows clients to connect to FreshTomato's wireless network(s).

- IPv4 & IPv6 communication work for both MIPS and ARM.

Access Point WDS

Sets the router in “repeater mode”, allowing clients to connect via WiFi while acting as a
WDS Wireless Distribution System base station.

Wireless Client

The router connects to another router/access point as any other wireless client device would.

- Wireless Client mode works for: MIPS devices (SDK5: RT and RT-N images) and
ARM devices (SDK6 & SDK7) starting with release 2021.5
- This mode does not yet work on SDK6 MIPS RT-AC images.
- Only one wireless radio can be used in this mode. Other radio modules present can be used in A/P mode.
- Disable Wireless Band Steering when in this mode during default setup.
(Advanced users can adjust band steering NVRAM values).
- [WPA2 Personal with AES] is the recommended security setup for WiFi connections.
- If connection won't establish using the above, try [WPA / WPA2 Personal + AES]. This is the recommended security configuration for MIPS SDK5 (RT and RT-N) wireless client mode.

Wireless Ethernet Bridge

Configures FreshTomato to connect to another router.
All clients connected to both routers remain in the same subnet.

- As of version 1.19, this mode must have security set to WPA2 to work properly.
- IPv4 communication works for MIPS and ARM builds.
- IPv6 communication will only work for FreshTomato 2021.1 SDK6 ARM Dual-Core and newer
- SDK7 not working/possible.
- Do not enable wireless band steering (BSD) while this mode is enabled.
- Recommendation: Use Wireless Ethernet Bridge only to connect to your main AP (no virtual interfaces). Other radio modules can be used, for example, in AP mode.

Media Bridge Mode

Configures FreshTomato to connect to another router/access point.

All clients connected to both routers remain in the same subnet.

- This new mode is similar to Wireless Ethernet Bridge mode for SDK6 and up (for MIPS RT-AC and all ARM images).
- Using Wireless Ethernet Bridge mode is recommended for MIPS RT and RT-N images (like the RT-N16, E4200v1).
- This Mode is not supported with SDK5 (RT / RT-N) builds
- Both IPv4 and IPv6 communication function. IPv6 traffic works without needing to enable IPv6 in the web interface. .
- Support for this mode started with release 2021.6.
- Do not enable wireless band steering with this mode enabled.
- You should use use Media Bridge interface to connect to your main AP only (no virtual interfaces). Other radio modules can be used, for example, in AP mode.


FreshTomato will act only as a Wireless Distribution System (WDS) base station.

Table derived from (Creative Commons) Wikibooks - “Tomato Firmware/Menu Reference” Wireless Mode Selections

Wireless Network Mode: Select the 802.11 WiFi protocols available to clients.

(Default: Auto)

Only releases 2021.8 and later have have a separate setting for 802.11ac.

Any 2.4 GHz band interface will have separate Mode settings. See the 2.4 GHz section.

SSID: the network name of the 5 GHz WiFi.

For security, don't include personal words/phrases indicating your name, identity, address, location, or equipment type. Single dictionary words also make for very poor security.

(Default: FreshTomatoXX, where “XX” is the digits in the band.) On a 5 GHz network, the default SSID is “FreshTomato50”.

Broadcast: enables SSID broadcasting.

This “announces” the SSID, so it's easy to find. Contrary to claims, SSIDs are easily sniffed with common software. Disabling SSID Broadcast offers little security improvement.

Channel: selects the channel on which the 5 GHz WiFi interface will operate..

Generally, you should choose a different channel than the one your neighbours use.

Channel Width: lets you select the channel width (frequency-wise).

Larger channel widths provide more speed/bandwidth if there's low interference.

The 5GHz band is less prone to interference and noise, because on that band, 20 MHz channels don't overlap. Interference is more common on the 2.4 GHz band.

Usually, it's fine to choose a larger channel width. However, if you see slow traffic, or clients having trouble authenticating/associating with the router, try a narrower channel width.

802.11n can use 40 MHz channel width. However, for legacy compatibility, it uses a main 20 MHz channel plus a free adjacent channel 20 MHz above or below the main one.

Control Sideband: select whether the extra channel used is above (Upper) or below (Lower) the main channel.

This is available only if 40/80/160 MHz Channel Width is selected. (Default: Upper).

Security: lets you choose the security protocol to be used on the 2.4 GHz interface.

Shared Key: the shared authentication key for WiFi LAN clients. Asterisks display until you click your cursor.

Group Key Renewal: sets how often encryption keys used between clients/router are rotated.

This is part of the WPA protocol. See the first wireless radio unit for more details.

(Default: 3600 seconds).

Network Notes and Troubleshooting

Tune Route Cache

Specifically, enabling this option does the following:

# 2018-01-19
# Reduce and flush the route cache to ensure a more synchronous load-balancing across multi-wan
/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/flush
/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/secret_interval
/bin/echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/min_delay
/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/max_delay
/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_interval
/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_elasticity
/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_min_interval_ms
/bin/echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_min_interval
/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_thresh
/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_timeout
#Causes connectivity issues if this value is too small, use defaults or tune accordingly
/bin/echo 512 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/max_size

Baby Jumbo Frames

Support for Baby Jumbo Frames is included since release 2021.3. It works only on gigabit routers. Not all ISPs support Jumbo Frames for PPPoE.

To enable Baby Jumbo Frames:

Wireless Band Steering

This example shows the default parameters to steer clients from the 2.4 GHz band to the 5 GHz band:

Steer Policy:
max=0 period=5 cnt=3 rssi=-52 phyrate_high=110 phyrate_low=0 flags=0x22 state=3
Rule Logic: OR
RSSI: Greater than
VHT: Allowed
NON VHT: Allowed
PHYRATE (HIGH): Greater than or Equal to
PHYRATE (LOW): Less than

This example shows default parameters to steer clients from the 5 GHz band to the 2.4 GHz band:

Steer Policy:
max=80 period=5 cnt=3 rssi=-82 phyrate_high=0 phyrate_low=0 flags=0x20 state=2
Rule Logic: OR
RSSI: Less than or Equal to
VHT: Allowed
NON VHT: Allowed
PHYRATE (HIGH): Greater than or Equal to
PHYRATE (LOW): Less than

For more details, see: Asus RT-AC3200 Smart Connect-the Missing Manual