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Last 24 Hours

Last 24 hours displays bandwidth usage from the last 24 hours. The time window is 24 hours and the data resolution is 2 minutes. This means it displays a maximum of 24 hours of data which is sampled a maximum of every 2 minutes.

Hours: This changes the time period of the graph data displayed.

Avg. Applies a percentile display. This can show how a data point compares to the total distribution (graph) over time.


  • Uniform - Choosing this scales graphs to the maximum value recorded on all interfaces.
  • Per if (Per Interface) - Choosing this scales the graphs based on data from one interface only.


  • kbit/KB - Choosing this displays bandwidth volume data in kilobits/Kilobytes (x1,000).
  • Mbit/MB - Choosing this displays bandwidth data in Megabits/Megabytes (x1,000,000).


Solid - = represent usage with an area graph,

Line = represent usage with a single line graph showing only maximum values.

Color - This allows you to switch between different color combinations.

Cursor-Tracking Readout: Bandwidth graphs feature a a Cursor-Tracking Readout. When you move your mouse cursor over the graph, the graph displays the following at the top right corner: Day of Week, Time, and Bandwidth usage. These update when you move the mouse.

The Cursor-Tracking Readout disappears after 5 intervals: that is, 10 seconds in Real-Time, 10 minutes in Last 24 Hours, etcetera.

Mouse-Click Readout: Bandwidth graphs also feature a Mouse-Click readout: If you click on the graph, the date/time/bandwidth numbers will display beside the mouse cursor. Mouse-click readout is static. It does not update with graph movement or scaling.

bwm-24.1684031178.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/14 03:26 by hogwild