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File sharing

The File Sharing page actually refers to Samba file sharing which allows Linux based systems to “talk” the same language as Windows when it comes to files interchange. The Microsoft protocol being SMB has gone through some upgrade in recent years and it currently stands at v3. FreshTomato's implementation supports V1 and V2 only although this is good enough for basic sharing operations.

Enable File Sharing: No/Yes, no Authentication/Yes Authentication Required - For simple setup you will want Yes no authentication but if additional security is needed Yes, Authentication required will display two additional fields where a single username/password can be defined.

Samba protocol version: SMBv1/SMBv2/SMBv1 + SMBv2 - defined the maximum level of SMB supported. Disable GRO: GRO stands for Generic Receive Offload it essentially gather together small packets to be then sent as a single large packet. This optimises the network utilisation but involves and extra (sometime unwanted) Reassembly function. The option is enabled by default and essentially disables this feature. This is suggested unless you have specific requirements.
Workgroup Name: Specify the WORKGROUP name (logical division) where devices are displayed/organised (browsing the network).
Client Codepage: These code pages are used by DOS and Windows clients to determine rules for mapping lowercase letters to uppercase letters. Undefined by default can be set in case of case sensitivity issue. To verify on what Codepage your systems are (on Windows) run cmd.exe and type chcp to see the current code page.

Network Interfaces: Define to what local interface the samba service should be binded to. This is br0 by default.

Samba Custom Configuration: Is where you can pass user defined parameters to the samba process (smb.conf), make sure you consultthe official samba documentation prior to affect this field.
Auto-share all USB Partisions: Disabled/Read Only/Read-Write/Hidden Read-Write. As the option suggests this allows you to perform automatic sharing option as soon as a media is plugged into the USB port (assuming it has a compatible filesystem).
Read only: can only open files and browse the storage content.
Read-Write: has full control on visible content.
Hidden Read-Write: Same as above but access to hidden content to e.g. files starting with a dot (.).

nas-samba.1641820429.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/10 13:13 by rs232