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There are rare situations when you might want to add more OpenVPN connections (Server/client) than are allowed in the Web interface.
First, consider whether you're using the right technology. For multiple site-to-site connections, you'll probably find tinc to be a better and easier to manage technology. It scales more easily.
If you decide you still want additional OpenVPN connections, this example will define a server named “Server3”:
mkdir /tmp/etc/openvpn/server3/
cd /tmp/etc/openvpn
ln -s /usr/sbin/openvpn vpnserver3
cd /tmp/etc/openvpn/server3
echo "daemon
proto udp
port 1195
dev tun23
cipher AES-128-CBC
keepalive 15 60
verb 3
secret static.key
status-version 2
status status
script-security 2
persist-tun" > /tmp/etc/openvpn/server3/config.ovpn
chmod 777 /tmp/etc/openvpn/server3/config.ovpn
sleep 1
cp /etc/openvpn/server1/static.key /etc/openvpn/server3/ ##I use the same key as per server1 here
/etc/openvpn/vpnserver3 --cd /etc/openvpn/server3 --config config.ovpn
openvpn_extra_connection.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/06 20:50 by hogwild