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Schedule System To "Wake Up" a Client Device

FreshTomato includes a WOL (Wake-On-Lan) function under the Tools menu. While often useful, this function must be performed manually every time you wish to wake a device. If you want to have your computer(s), (or other client devices) power up at a predetermined time, you can schedule that in FreshTomato. Whether you just want your device ready, or have tasks for it to execute, the schedule will get it up and running.

Many UEFI/BIOS interfaces have a Wake-On-LAN option setting, such as:

  • Power on by PCI-E or PCI (Asus UEFI)
  • PME Event Wakeup (AWARD BIOS)
  • Power on by PCI devices (AMI BIOS)

These functions generally assume a client PC/hardware device starts out from a powered down state. If your system is in a suspend or sleep state, it may not recognize the signal from this function, and therefore may not wake as expected. Alternatively, you might just want a central location from which to control all your other devices.

  1. Navigate to Administration/Scheduler
  2. Scroll to the Custom field of your choice. Check Enabled
  3. In the Time menu, select a time (e.g. 9:30 AM) or frequency option
    (e.g. every 30 mins) for when or how often you want the task executed
  4. Now check the Days you want it executed or Every day.

The command to execute is ether-wake:

ether-wake --help
BusyBox v1.33.1 (2021-08-11 16:11:49 CEST) multi-call binary.
Usage: ether-wake [-b] [-i IFACE] [-p aa:bb:cc:dd[:ee:ff]/a.b.c.d] MAC
Send a magic packet to wake up sleeping machines.
MAC must be a station address (00:11:22:33:44:55) or
a hostname with a known 'ethers' entry.
        -b              Broadcast the packet
        -i IFACE        Interface to use (default eth0)
        -p PASSWORD     Append four or six byte PASSWORD to the packet

The minimum command parameters required are “-b MAC”

ether-wake -b AB:CD:EF:01:23:45

To wake up your PC every weekday at 2:45pm, enter:

schedule_wol.1632112780.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/20 05:39 by hogwild