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Turning on/off radio elements from script

Full Wireless operation

If you want to enable/disable WiFi from the command line you can use the system command:

/sbin/radio toggle

Force off
/sbin/radio off

Force on
/sbin/radio on

Wireless chipset (2.4/5GHz) specific operation

Modern routers come with 2 or more chipsets, there's usually 1x 2.4GHz and 1x (or more) 5GHz chipset. In some certain case you might want to enable/disable a specifi chipset from the command line. Once you have identified the name of your radio interface (the Virtual Wireless page is a good starting point)

Do not blindly use this table. Check what it says on your router as it might be different. FOr full chipset operation we refer to the ethX name reference of the interface. Once you have the correct name (I'm using eth1 in my example here below), you can check the status of your wireless interface as follow:

[ $(wl -i $int radio | grep -Eo [0-1]$) -eq 1 ] && echo “radio $int is off” || echo “radio $int is on”

[ $(wl -i $int radio | grep -Eo [0-1]$) -eq 1 ] && wl -i $int radio on || wl -i $int radio off

Force off
wl -i $int radio off

Force on
wl -i $int radio on

Wireless SSID specific operation

There might be cases where you don't want to affect the full radio chipset but rather restrict access to a specific SSID. This is achieved as follow: - Identify the SSID virtual interface you want to affect. Remember virtual interfaces are always defined as [ main wireless interface name ] + [.] + [a number 0-3] so e.g. “wl0.1”. The full list of wireless interfaces available on your router and the all their sub-interfaces once again can be found under Virtual Wireless e.g.

Now let's assume you want to turn off wl1.3 which is associated to SSID “test”

Let's perform the following:


[ $(wl -i $int radio | grep -Eo [0-1]$) -eq 1 ] && wl -i $int radio on || wl -i $int radio off

Force Off
wl -i $int radio off

Force On
wl -i $int radio on

toggle_radio.1669566838.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/27 16:33 by rs232