The Bandwidth Monitoring menu contains settings for Bandwidth Monitoring features. This menu contains sections including Bandwidth Monitoring, Backup (of monitoring statistics in rstats format) and Restore.
Enable: Checking this turns on the Bandwidth Monitoring feature. (Default: Enabled).
Save History Location: From this menu, you choose where Bandwidth Monitoring history files are saved.
The options include:
(Default: RAM).
Save Frequency: This specifies how often Bandwidth Monitoring saves logs. (Default: TBD). The more often data is saved, the less likely it will be lost due to adverse events like power outages or crashes.
Save on Shutdown: Checking this makes FreshTomato save bandwidth logs immediately if it receives a shutdown signal. This prevents data loss.
Create New File: Checking this erases your current log file and creates a new one. This is useful when you switch storage media/locations (such as moving from RAM to CIFS). FreshTomato must create a new file in order for logs to be saved properly.
Create Backups: Enabling this makes FreshTomato create backup logs. The backups are put in the same folder as the original files, and given a .bak file ending. (Default: Disabled).
First Day of the Month: This value sets the first day of the month for bandwidth logs. For example, if you enter 3, FreshTomato makes the third day of each month the first day it records bandwidth monitoring. (Default: 1). This is useful with certain ISPs which log/bill for bandwidth starting on a day other than the first of the month.
Excluded Interfaces: Here, you specify the device name of any interfaces whose bandwidth you don't want to be monitored/logged. If you list more than one, the names must be separated by commas.
Here you can back up the bandwidth monitoring log file, naming it whatever you choose. FreshTomato creates a default filename, but clicking the cursor in the field lets you edit the log's filename. After you click Save, the new file name will take effect.
Backup files are are saved in the GNU .gz (gzip) format. This is an archive format, similar to .zip. It can be easily opened by programs in Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
Backup: Clicking on the Backup button will download the log file to your browser. The browser will open a window prompting you to Open or Save the file. Generally, you click Save, and the browser prompts you to browse to the location to save the backup log.
Hovering your mouse over the blue “link” will make your browser display the full path of the backup file location in the browser's status area. It will also prompt you for where to store the existing Bandwidth Monitor backup file.
The Browse… button lets you find existing Bandwidth Monitoring logs to restore to the location selected in the Save History Location menu. FreshTomato will expect to find a GNU .gz (gzip) archive file.
If you Restore an existing Bandwidth Monitoring log to the same location it was originally stored, FreshTomato will continue to log bandwidth statistics to the same file, continuing where it left off.