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ipt-daily [FreshTomato Wiki]

Site Tools


IP Traffic - Daily

The IP Traffic - Daily menu shows details of daily bandwidth usage history per IP address.

IP Traffic - Daily History

Here, a table is displayed showing details of daily bandwidth usage history per address. The last line of the table shows total usage of the host listed on that line.

Clicking/reclicking a column header sorts the table in increments or decrements. If hostnames are shown, the host column will be sorted alphabetically.


The table can be customized with these option settings:

List only these IPs: only IP addresses here are included in the table, (comma-separated).

Exclude these IPs: IP addresses here are excluded from the table, (comma-separated).

Date Range: lets you select the days to be listed in the table. Choose “Any” to show all saved data.

Date Format: lets you select the preferred format for displaying the date.

Scale: lets you define the scale to be used in the reporting. Choices include:

  • KB
  • MB
  • GB

Show subnet totals: choosing this will display subtotals by subnet.

Hide IPs without traffic: enabling this will hide any host which uses zero bandwidth.

Show known hostnames: shows known hostnames beside the IP address in the Host column.

Show shortcuts: shows shortcuts to other settings under the Host/IP addresses shown in the Host column.

  • [qosdetails] - enabling this allows you to view QoS Details.
  • [qosrates] - enabling this allows you to view transfer rates per connection.
  • [iptraf] - enabling this lets you view real-time IP Traffic for this address.
  • [hide] - enabling this allows you to hide this address on the display.

Data: displays data in the web browser in .csv format. There, you may save it to local disk.

Configure: takes you to IP Traffic Monitoring to configure data retention and other settings.

IP Traffic - Daily Notes and Troubleshooting

Both this menu and the IP Traffic Monitoring menu contain Include and Exclude fields. They are not the same thing. The difference is that the Include and Exclude fields in this menu set which IP addresses you want displayed or not displayed in this menu.

By contrast, in the IP Traffic Monitoring menu, the Include and Exclude fields set which addresses you want monitored or not monitored. Addresses which are not displayed, but included in the Include field in IP Traffic Monitoring, will still be tracked/logged by the IP Traffic Monitoring function.

ipt-daily.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/06 23:30 by hogwild