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ipt-details [FreshTomato Wiki]

Site Tools


IP Traffic - Transfer Rates

This menu displays detailed IP Transfer Rate data for each client IP address. The Transfer Rates section displays a table of detailed client transfer rate data, categorized in various ways.

The Options section contains the configuration settings for the IP Traffic - Transfer Rates table.

IP Traffic - Transfer Rates

The IP Traffic - Transfer Rates section displays a table with detailed transfer rate data. On each row is a client IP address.

For each client IP address, the columns display:

  • Download Transfer Rate
  • Upload Transfer Rate
  • TCP IN/OUT (packets per second)
  • UDP IN/OUT (packets per second)
  • ICMP IN/OUT (packets per second)
  • TCP connections (number of)
  • UDP connections (number of)


This section has settings for the table. These control which client addresses are monitored, and how the table displays traffic.

(Click Here to Show): clicking this reveals settings options for the Transfer Rates table.

Only these IPs: enter addresses of hosts whose IP Traffic you want displayed (comma-separated).

Exclude these IPs: enter addresses of hosts whose IP Traffic not to display (comma-separated).

Scale: here, you can select the measurement units used to display traffic.

Choices include:

  • KB
  • MB
  • GB

Ignore inactive hosts: enabling this removes inactive IP client hosts from the table.

Show hostnames: makes FreshTomato show hostnames in IP Traffic displays for all IP clients.

Show shortcuts: shows shortcuts to settings under the Host/IP addresses shown in the Host column.

  • [qosdetails] - enabling this lets you view QoS Details.
  • [qosrates] - enabling this lets you view transfer rates per connection.
  • [iptraf] - enabling this lets you view real-time IP Traffic for this address.
  • [hide] - enabling this lets you hide this IP address on the display.

Configure: takes you to IP Traffic Monitoring, where you can configure general IP Traffic Monitoring settings.

Refresh Every: lets you choose the automatic refresh interval (how often Transfer Rates table updates).

Refresh: immediately refreshes the Transfer Rates table.

IP Traffic - Transfer Rates Notes and Troubleshooting

Both this menu and the IP Traffic Monitoring menu contain Include and Exclude fields. They are not the same thing. The difference is that the Include and Exclude fields in this menu set which IP addresses you want displayed or not displayed on this menu.

By contrast, in the IP Traffic Monitoring menu, the Include and Exclude fields set which addresses you want monitored or not monitored. Addresses which are not displayed, but included in the Include field in IP Traffic Monitoring, will still be tracked/logged by the IP Traffic Monitoring function.

ipt-details.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/27 00:00 by hogwild