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BitTorrent client (Transmission)

This feature is included in builds that contain Transmission, an open source BitTorrent client. It allows you to perform downloads/uploads of torrents directly on your router. This means you don't have to leave a LAN device, such as a PC, running just to share Torrent files. To share large files, you will require some form of external storage, such as an external USB drive or a CIFS share.

Enable: Selecting this and clicking Save immediately runs the Transmission process and starts the Transmission process at every boot.

Transmission binary path: This specifies where the Transmission binary will be found on the filesystem.

  • Internal - Selecting this means FreshTomato's built-in binary will be used.
  • Optware - Choosing this makes FreshTomato use an Optware/Entware installation of Transmission.
    FreshTomato will expect to find the binary in the: “opt/bin” directory.
  • Custom - Choosing this lets you specify a custom path to the location of the binary.

Click here to open Transmission GUI: This will open Transmission's administration graphical interface in a new browser tab.

Keepalive: Enabling this performs “process keepalive” activity, and will restart Transmission if it isn't found to be running.

  • Check alive every: This value specifies the frequency at which Keepalive is performed.

Delay at startup: The time value defined here (in seconds) will delay the starting of the process at boot time.
This can be useful, for example, when waiting for external storage to be fully ready for use.

Listening port: Here, you specify the port linked to the Transmission process. This will apply to both TCP and UDP.

Downloading directory: This configures the path where you want completed downloads to be stored.

Use incomplete/: If enabled, a subfolder named “incomplete” will store temporary files/folders until the download is completed.

Autoadd .torrents: Enabling this feature, (also known as “blackhole”) will cause Transmission to scan the download folder
for .torrent files and import them automatically.

Remote Access

Enable GUI: This option enables the built-in Transmission GUI. From it, you can administer download/upload activity and configure some program options.

  • Listening GUI port: This value specifies the port on which the Transmission administration page will be reachable.

Authentication required: Choosing this disables anonymous access (strongly suggested) and uses these credentials:

  • Username - This specifies your administration username.
  • Password - This specifies your administration password.

Allow remote access: If enabled, the Listening port becomes reachable from the WAN.


The Limits section has settings to define Transmission's resource limits. The options are mostly self-explanatory,
however you are advised to consult the official Transmission documentation for details. Transmission

Queue torrents

Download queuing: This setting controls how many active downloads can run simultaneously.

Upload queuing: This settings specifies how many active uploads can run simultaneously.

Advanced Settings

Find more peers using: This defines the types of Torrent networks in which Transmission will participate, and using which protocols.
It is recommended to be selective with these settings. Some protocols don't function well through a VPN. Others must be disabled when using private peering. You are advised to consult the official Transmission documentation and perhaps also the generic Torrent protocol documentation.

Message level: This setting defines the lowest level of Transmission messages to be captured in the system logs

  • None (0) - No Transmission messages will be stored in system logs.
  • Error (3) - Only error levels and above will be stored in system logs.
  • Info (6) - Only Information messages and above will be stored in system logs
  • Debug (7) - Debugging level messages and higher will be stored in system logs

Save settings location: Here you define the preferred filesystem location where the settings file will be saved.
To save NVRAM space, most settings are saved in a file read directly by Transmission.

  • Download directory - Choosing this stores settings in the Download folder, described above
  • JFFS - Selecting this stores settings in JFFS storage that you have already defined.
  • CIFS1 - Choosing this stores settings on the first CIFS share you've already defined.
  • RAM - Choosing this stores settings in RAM. This will not survive a reboot.
  • Custom -

Blocklist: Transmission includes a built-in blocking feature. Here, you specify a URL to the IP Blocklist of your choice (usually Level 1).
IP blacklists are publicly-maintained lists of “bad” Torrent addresses, like monitoring servers and robots that undermine privacy.

An alternative method is to define the Blocklist in this field to use P2Partisan instead. Using P2Partisan, more lists can be defined. However, to use it, you must manually install a script. More details can be found here: P2Partisan

Custom Log File Path: Here, you define the location where you want Transmission to log its activity.

Custom Configuration: For details on what to define in this field, please refer to the official Transmission documentation.

nas-bittorrent.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/17 17:23 by hogwild