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FTP Server

The built-in FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Server is an alternative way to transfer files in/out of your router and its attached storage.

FTP Server Configuration

Enable FTP Server:

  • No
    The FTP Server is disabled.
  • Yes, WAN and LAN
    The FTP is Server is enabled for both WAN and LAN users.
  • Yes, LAN only
    The FTP Server is enabled for LAN users only.

TLS support: Checking this option enables support for TLS-encrypted communication.

FTP Port: Here, you specify the port to be used for communications. (Default: TCP 21)

Anonymous User Access:

This dropdown allows you to choose whether anonymous users are allowed access to the FTP Server and which file rights they are given.

  • Disabled
    (anonymous users are not allowed access)
  • Read Write
    (anonymous users are given read and write access)
  • Read Only
    (anonymous users are given read access only)
  • Write Only
    (anonymous users are allowed write access only)

Allow Admin Login: Enables your local system administrator account as a user for the FTP service

Log FTP requests and responses: It will record all FTP activity (login/logout/upload/download/etc) to the syslog facility


Anonymous Root Directory*: This is the location at filesystem level visible by anonymous connections
Public Root Directory*: This filesystem location is accessible by any defined FTP user.
Private Root Directory\*\* This filesystem location is accessible only by the owner. This field indicated where the Root private directory lives, each user will have a protected subfolder under this location.
Directory Listings: Enabled/Disabled/Disabled for Anonymous - There are cases where you wan to disable directory listing e.g. allow users to upload only or else. This is where you can enable/disable listing or affect only the anonymous user.

Limits -

Maximum Users Allowed to Log in: Define the maximum number of logged in users. Any additional user trying to log in above the limit will be rejected.
Maximum Connections from the same IP : FTP clients allows you to open multiple sessions from the same client (IP), this option allows you to control such behaviour.
Maximum Bandwidth for Anonymous Users : Built-in FTP throttling will impose a bandwidth limit (upload/download) for each anonymous user connected.
Maximum Bandwidth for Authenticated Users: Same as above but this limit if defined will control the amount of bandwidth each authenticated user can benefit from. Idle Timeout: Disconnect users after a number of seconds of inactivity.
Limit Connection Attempts This option works only when FTP is enabled on the WAN. If selected two new fields will appear

Here you can define the maximum number of attempt within a given time-frame. Any more frequent attempt will be rejected.

Custom configuration - User Accounts

Custom configuration: is where you define advanced parameter. Please note the software is Vsftpd hence you need to consult its official documentation if you plan to affect this field.
User accounts:This is where you define FTP users. Users defined here will have meaning only within the FTP service e.g. no system account is created. The access field requires some explanation as you can set it to: Read/Write -Read Only - View Only - Private
Username: The user account name
Password: Its password
Read/Write: Is essentially full access
Read only: can only browse and download
View Only: can only browse FIXME
Private: Can only access the own folder (no public area)

nas-ftp.1642036476.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/13 01:14 by hogwild