This function lets you a send a Wake-on-LAN signal (“magic packet”) to wired network devices to wake them/power them on. Wake-on-LAN is generally not supported by wireless devices.
The list of devices on this menu includes:
Some devices may appear with no defined hostname. You can define one in the Dnsmasq Custom configuration field as a workaround.
There are two ways to send a magic packet to a network device:
For WoL to work, client devices must be configured to respond to magic packets, both in firmware and software. Enabling the firmware option causes the device's Ethernet chip to remain powered on even when the device is sleeping/off. This allows it to listen for magic packets. Enabling the software option allows the device to wake up/power on when that packet is received.
Most PCs have a Wake-on-LAN option to enable in UEFI/BIOS, named something like:
You must also enable the WoL settings in your operating system.
For details, see:
HOWTOGEEK explains what is Wake on LAN and How Do I Enable it?
Microsoft Docs: WoL Behaviour in Windows 10